Glossary: Marijuana / Cannabis Terms

Additive: any substance added to a marijuana product that is intended to alter its quality.

Administer: to apply a controlled substance, whether by ingestion, inhalation, injection, or other means, directly to a patient’s body.

Agent: a person or business authorized to act on behalf of or at the command of a manufacturer, distributor or dispenser.

Angel Investor: an investor who provides personal capital for small startups or entrepreneurs.

Applicant: a person whose application for licensure has been accepted for review, but has not been approved or denied by the state’s licensing authority.

Associated Key License: an occupational license for an individual who is owns a medical marijuana business.

Batch Number: a distinct group of numbers, letters, or symbols, combined by a retail marijuana facility or manufacturer to designate a specific harvest or production batch of marijuana.

Cannabidiol (CBD): a compound in cannabis that has medicinal effects with reduced psychoactivity. It does not make users feel high, but it is effective treatment for debilitating medical conditions.

Cannabinoids: essential chemical compounds that are the active principles in medical marijuana.

Cannabis indica: a species of cannabis that often produces a relaxed and social high for users.

Cannabis sativa: a species of cannabis that often produces an inspirational and lively high for users.

Cannabis ruderalis: a species of cannabis that has a lower amount of THC, but a higher amount of cannabidiol. Its characteristics make it a good candidate for medical marijuana.

Cannabis Product: a product that contains cannabis or cannabis extracts. In Washington, this designation indicates a product has a THC concentration more than three-tenths of one percent.

Collective Gardens: gardens shared by qualified patients that produce and process cannabis for medicinal use.

Container: the sealed and labeled package in which marijuana or marijuana products are sold.

Controlled Substance: a drug or substance included in Schedules I through V of the U.S. Controlled Substance Act (CSA) as classified by federal and state governments.

Controlled Substance Analog: a substance whose chemical structure is noticeably similar to the chemical structure of a controlled substance included in Schedule I or II of the U.S. Controlled Substance Act (CSA) as classified by federal and state governments.

Denied Applicant: a person whose application for licensure was accepted for review, but later denied by the state’s licensing authority.

Designated Provider: in Washington, a person eighteen years of age or older; has been designated in a signed and dated written document by a qualifying patient to serve as a designated provider in compliance with RCW 69.51A.040. (look up).

Dispense: to select, measure, compound, package, label, deliver or retail cannabis as a licensed dispenser to a qualifying patient or legal recreational user.

Distribute: to deliver a controlled substance, excluding administering or dispensing.

Distributor: an entity that distributes a controlled substance.

Division Approved Sampler: In Colorado, a person who has satisfied all approval requirements related to training, examination and continuing education in accordance with the Marijuana Enforcement Division.

Edible Medical Marijuana-Infused Product: a product infused with medical marijuana that is meant for oral consumption by way of food, drink or pill.

Edible Retail Marijuana Product: any retail marijuana product that is meant for oral consumption by way of food, drink or pill.

Exit Package: a sealed package or container supplied at the retail point of sale in which the individually packaged marijuana product is placed.

Flowering: reproductive state of cannabis when it is beneficial for the plant to be in a light cycle so the production of flowers, trichromes and cannabinoids are stimulated.

Food and Drug Administration: an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that governs the oversight of medical products, tobacco, foods, veterinary medicine, global regulatory operations and policy.

Food-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate: produced by extracting cannabinoids from medical marijuana through the use of propylene glycol, glycerin, butter, olive oil or other cooking fats.

Food-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate: produced by extracting cannabinoids from retail marijuana through the use of propylene glycol, glycerin, butter, olive oil or other cooking fats.

Harvest Batch: an explicitly classified quantity of processed marijuana that has strain, pesticide and agricultural uniformity as well as being produced in a concurrent harvest.

Hashish (hash): product of compressing the collected trichromes, stalked resin glands, from the flowers of the cannabis plant. It has a higher concentration of THC and comes in a solid or paste-like form depending upon how it was prepared. Color ranges from light to dark brown, but can also appear yellowish tan, black or red.

Hydro: hydroponic cannabis grown in water enriched with nutrients instead of soil enriched with nutrients. The plant’s roots are suspended in water, or inside a soilless medium, a sterile medium not containing soil, (e.g., clay pebbles, coir, perlite).

Identity Statement: the name of a business as it is commonly known and used in marketing materials.

Immature Plant: a nonflowering marijuana plant that is neither taller than eight inches nor wider than eight inches; produced from a cutting, clipping or seedling planted in a cultivation container.

Industrial Hemp: all parts and varieties of the cannabis plant that contain less than .3 percent of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp production is controlled and regulated by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration; it is illegal to grow hemp without a permit from the DEA.

Key License: an occupational license for an individual who performs duties that are key to the operation of a marijuana business and has the highest level of responsibility.

Licensed Premise: the premise identified in a licensure application in which the licensee is authorized to cultivate, manufacture, distribute, sell, or test marijuana products in the state.

Licensee: a person licensed to cultivate, manufacture, distribute, sell, or test marijuana.

Limited Access Area: the restricted and secure area under control by the licensee on the licensed premise where marijuana is grown, cultivated, stored, weighted, packaged, sold, possessed for sale, displayed for sale or processed for sale.

Local Licensing Authority: a local jurisdiction that has adopted local licensing requirements in addition to state licensing requirements.

Lot: a definite quantity of marijuana, useable marijuana or marijuana-infused product identified by a lot number for labeling purposes.

Lot Number: a number used to identify the licensee’s marijuana establishment for labeling purposes.

Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED): responsible for providing the operational rules for the legal marijuana industry in Colorado.

Manufacture: the production, preparation, propagation, compounding, conversion or processing of a controlled substance.

Marijuana: all parts of the cannabis plant, whether growing or not, with a THC concentration greater than .3 percent on a dry weight basis, which also includes its seeds, resins, compounds and derivatives.

Marijuana-infused Products: products containing marijuana or marijuana extracts intended for human use.

Marijuana Retailer: a person or entity licensed by the state to sell useable marijuana and marijuana-infused products in a retail outlet.

Material Change: a change that would require a fundamental change to a marijuana business’ modus operandi.

Medical Marijuana: marijuana that is grown and sold according to a state’s medical code.

Medical Marijuana Business: a licensed medical marijuana center, a medical marijuana-infused products manufacturer or an optional premises cultivation operation.

Medical Marijuana Center: a business licensed to sell medical marijuana to registered patients or primary caregivers in compliance with a state’s medical code.

Medical Marijuana Concentrate: a specific subcategory produced by extracting cannabinoids from medical marijuana. Types include food-based, solvent-based and water-based medical marijuana concentrates.

Medical Marijuana-Infused Products: products infused with medical marijuana (e.g., edibles, ointments, and tinctures).

Medical Marijuana-Infused Products Manufacturer: a business licensed to operate a manufactory that infuses products with medical marijuana.

MITS: Marijuana Inventory Tracking Solution

MJ: commonly accepted abbreviation for marijuana

MMJ: commonly accepted abbreviation for medical marijuana

Mobile Distribution Center: a vehicle other than a common passenger vehicle with a short wheel base used to carry more than one ounce of marijuana.

Monitoring Company: a provider of electronic monitoring services for licensed marijuana establishments.

Notice of Denial: a written statement explaining the reasons why an applicant has been denied.

Occupational License: a license granted to an individual for an associated key license, a key license or a support license.

Operating Fees: fees that may be charged by a local jurisdiction for costs associated with inspection, administration and enforcement of marijuana regulations.

Optional Premises Cultivation Operation: an establishment licensed for optional premises to cultivate marijuana.

Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB): the National Association of Securities Dealers’ (NASD) regulated electronic trading service whose companies do not have to meet any listing standards so they are not required to have a minimum market value or an independent board of directors.

Owner: the person or establishment whose beneficial interest in the license is such that they bear risk of loss other than as an insurer, and have an opportunity to gain profit from the operation or sale of the marijuana establishment.

Practitioner: a physician licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted within licensing laws, to distribute, dispense, research or administer controlled substances in a professional capacity.

Prescription: an order for a controlled substance issued by a practitioner authorized by law to prescribe controlled substances within his or her professional practice for a legitimate medical purpose.

Production Batch: any amount of marijuana concentrate of identical category, extraction method, modus operandi and harvest batch; or any amount of marijuana product of identical type, ingredient, modus operandi and production batch of marijuana concentrate.

Proficiency Testing Samples: samples tested, analyzed and compared to ensure uniformity.

Propagation: reproduction of marijuana plants by seeds, cuttings or grafting.

Restricted Access Area: a designated and secure area under control by the licensee on the licensed premise where marijuana and marijuana-infused products are grown, cultivated, stored, weighted, packaged, sold, possessed for sale, displayed for sale or processed for sale.

Retail Marijuana: marijuana cultivated, manufactured, distributed or sold by a licensed retail marijuana establishment.

Retail Marijuana Concentrate: an explicit subcategory of retail marijuana produced by extracting cannabinoids from the plant. Types include food-based, solvent-based and water-based retail marijuana concentrates.

Retail Marijuana Cultivation Facility: an entity licensed to cultivate, prepare and package retail marijuana for sale to retail marijuana establishments, but not directly to consumers.

Retail Marijuana Establishment: a retail marijuana store, cultivation facility, products manufacturer or testing facility.

Retail Marijuana Products: products infused with medical marijuana (e.g., edibles, ointments, and tinctures).

Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturing Facility: an entity licensed to operate a manufactory that purchases, manufactures, prepares and packages retail marijuana products; and sells retail marijuana and retail marijuana products to other licensed manufacturing facilities and stores, but not directly to consumers.

Retail Marijuana Store: an entity licensed to purchase retail marijuana and products from retail marijuana cultivation and manufacturing facilities and licensed to sell retail marijuana and products directly to consumers.

Retail Marijuana Testing Facility: a public or private laboratory licensed and certified, or approved by the state, to conduct research and analyze retail marijuana, products and concentrates for contaminants and potency.

Sample: In Colorado, anything collected from a medical or retail marijuana business by Marijuana Enforcement Division personnel or division approved samplers.

Shipping Container: a container or wrapping specifically used to transport marijuana or marijuana-infused products in bulk.

Solvent-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate: a concentrate that is produced by extracting cannabinoids from medical marijuana through the use of a solvent.

Solvent-Based Retail Marijuana Concentrate: a concentrate that is produced by extracting cannabinoids from retail marijuana through the use of a solvent.

Standardized Graphic Symbol: a graphic image or small design adopted by a licensee to identify business.

State Licensing Authority: the agency formed for the purpose of regulating and controlling the licensing of the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale and testing of retail marijuana within the state.

Support License: a license for an individual who performs duties that support the operations of a marijuana business. A support license indicates the licensee must conduct himself or herself professionally, he or she has restricted authority and reports to a supervisor with an associated key license.

THC: tetrahydrocannabinol

THCA: tetrahydrocannabinolic acid

Test Batch: a group of samples concurrently submitted to a marijuana testing facility.

Vegetative: the state of the cannabis plant during which the plant does not produce resin or flowers, and is bulking up to an ideal production size for flowering.

Water-based Medical Marijuana Concentrate: produced by extracting cannabinoids from medical marijuana through of use of only water, ice or dry ice.